Friday, November 4, 2011


I met them in sixth grade.

It was an awkward time for me. I knew a few people here and there from elementary school but not enough to be 'friends'. For the first few weeks of school I was actually a 'loner'. Just did my own thing, ate by myself at lunch. It bothered me a little, but I remember trying to not let it get the best of me.

I had met a girl who was in my class and we hung out for a few months. I thought she was nice but remembered she was so bossy. There were a group of about 6 girls that seemed to be the 'it' girls. I just wanted to be friends with them, but I didn't know how to approach it. I was very timid, I couldn't just approach a group of 6 girls by I just settled and stayed with the bossy friend, who I knew kind of liked me if we were hanging out.

There was this boy I liked and he liked me. We were 'together' or whatever you call it then in sixth grade. Really, we saw each other from across the field, waved, and then did our own thing. Maybe talked on the phone a few times. I remember giving him a 'glamour' shot that was so popular back then. My hair was done in typical prom curls and I even got to wear some makeup! It was a lot of fun and I thought I looked good, because I had never seen myself in that way before. For whatever reason, I thought it'd be a good idea to give him one of these pictures of me for him to have. It's cute thinking back how innocent it all was.

Well the boy was friends with the girls. They heard he liked me and was wondering who I was. I guess he showed them the picture because a few days after giving up my dream of being friends with them, they approached me. I remember them telling me they all thought the picture was so pretty and they needed to get to know me because their friend kept talking about this girl. I was so flattered! I just remember we talked and talked and they got to know me and I got to know them. They invited me to hang out with their group. My other bossy friend was mad to say the least, but I didn't mind. I knew I was only friends with her because I didn't have anyone else to hang out with. 

It was so fun to be in 'the group' because I had friends! Who were all so, extremely nice...

...Obviously, because we've now all been friends for over ten years. I suppose if I never gave that picture to the boy, I may have missed my chance to meet such amazing women who have and will always have a special place in my heart.

I love you guys!!!!

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