Friday, October 28, 2011


I have two. And they. are. awesome.

I grew up with Roberto. I was the older sister that would tease and push Roberto's buttons until he would literally come physically fight me. We weren't really close growing up because he was the younger brother and I was the older sister, I definitely had a power trip. 

Now both being in our twenties, we have a better understanding of the world around us, and have a mutual respect for one another. Sure we have our disagreements from time to time, but we discuss and talk like adults why we disagree and listen to each others point of view, rather than wrestle to the ground and get in trouble by dad whenever one of us cried first. We would always hold back our tears, because no way did we want to get in trouble. Roberto, I laugh thinking about those days. Back then they were a big deal and pissed us off, but now it's funny to think how we handled our arguments as kids. Roberto's awesome. He's such a kind, loving person. I laugh so much with him, and really enjoy his company.

Bradford was born when I was 12 years old, so we have a big age difference and he's kind of growing up on his own. Brad is a really cool person. I really look up to him. He's now the age I was when he was born and the way he is, is so different than the way I was at 12. Maybe it's because he has two siblings in their twenties and he's growing up a little faster than other kids his age, but he's really got a good head on his shoulders. He's got so much talent, so much personality and so much intelligence I definitely look up to him. He's into so many things and it's so cool that at 12 years old he really strives to do the things he loves. That kid is going to be extremely successful when he's my age, and it's awesome I'm able to call him my brother.

I'm lucky I got stuck with the brothers that I have. I love them!

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