Wednesday, December 28, 2011

What Should We Do?

Chris and I keep asking each other that. It's difficult when we're unfamiliar with the city and not exactly sure what would suit our liking. We've been taking morning walks which has been really nice and helping us become familiar with the neighborhood his parents live in.

Yesterday we went to the absolute coolest market. I wish they had some in California, or at least in California close to home. The market was like a Whole Foods but so much better! I think we spent at least 3 hours in's like an Ikea but for food!

After we came across a Sprinkles cupcakery and since his sister is a huge fan we had to buy a few. They were anticipated for awhile and gone in a second, delicious!

Today has been a lazy, relaxing day. Chris is working on some photos for his friends and I am blogging, reading blogs, magazines and drinking coffee and fit in a nap. It's been pleasant.

Tomorrow's a new day for us and still not sure what we're going to do. All I know for sure is that I am really enjoying being here with Chris. It's nice to experience his roots with him, but mostly just spending a whole, long week without any interruptions and a lot of time. It's hard getting that luxury at home.

1 comment:

  1. aahhhh.... enjoy! you two deserve the much needed, relaxing, not a care in the world break.... aahhhh!
