Friday, December 9, 2011

Crunch Time Has Begun

One more week and this semester is officially over.

Things to do:

Write a ten page paper

Study for Psychological Testing, projective tests, personality tests, psycho metrics, is it even ethical? and etc. etc. etc.

Study for Philosophy of Sex and Love....this class is not nearly as awesome as I thought it would be. But why? But why? BUT WHY!? This is what he ALWAYS asks and there is never an answer!

Dance! Sounds fun, except I have to go to school on a SATURDAY to practice, and one girl in the group is just too blunt for me, "Oh, you look so tired today", "Uhm, thank you?"

One more week.......and then.......I get two weeks off (sorry to brag) get to celebrate another year being around and enjoy distant family in Texas!

And again, I hope lots of champagne!

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