Thursday, May 10, 2012

In the land of great food, great beer and lots of walking!

I have been MIA due to extreme, intense procrastination because finals are rapidly approaching. 

Besides that nonsense, Chris and I made it up to Portland, Oregon for a long weekend last week. It was lovely, beautiful and so much fun being able to spend so much time together because of our hectic 'real life' schedules. Anyway, besides my bragging I actually have pictures to prove we were there!


  1. Looks like so much fun! That's where Brads from and it's such a cool city! Looks like I need a new visit, I haven't seen some of those thing! Good luck with finals!

  2. Looks like so much fun! That's where Brads from and it's such a cool city! Looks like I need a new visit, I haven't seen some of those thing! Good luck with finals!

  3. Great photos! They give me a good feel of the place. Almost as if I were there with you. :D
